Ellen Benson as Artist-in-Community Residence at Travellers Aid, is proudly supported by the City of Melbourne through the Community Cultural Development Program.

Thursday 8 November 2007

Residency Progress

As my artist-in-community residency draws to a close I would like to thank Vicky from the City of Melbourne Living the Arts for her constructive and friendly feedback, I would like to thank staff and clients of Travellers Aid for sharing their stories and dreams with me - it is amazing how many writers we have in TASV and I hope to get someone from the Victorian Writers Center to come and talk with our budding writers.

I am hoping to put the projector to good use by organising 'Emerging Artist Talks' where young and or disadvantaged artists talk of their personal triumphs and challenges as well as show-off some of their handy work - this idea is yet to be discussed with our CEO - just floating one of my ideas here.

There are currently no art classes running - our Observational drawing classes have come to a close - am working on sourcing a volunteer to hopefully continue doing art projects through Travellers Aid.

I would like to thank my amazing regular Observational Drawing students Satchiko and David for their enthusiasm, patience and individual experience - may you continue to be dedicated to your personal creative practices - you have my contact details - if requiring my support - Satchiko, I am willing to donate my time to help you put together your folio for applying for a tertiary visual arts course when you return from Japan, just give me a call.

I would like to thank the Cafe Staff, especially Wendy, for allowing me to dismantle and share your table arrangements for my classes. Wendy has incredible creative flair and even put her apron down to do the odd sketch or two.

Thanks to the front desk staff - for lodging any messages and offering me general assistance and thank you to Christine Rousse for indicating any potential funding opportunities.

and Thank you to Sian Whalley and Jodie Wilmer for overseeing my residency at Travellers Aid.