Ellen Benson as Artist-in-Community Residence at Travellers Aid, is proudly supported by the City of Melbourne through the Community Cultural Development Program.

Monday 9 July 2007

Draw from what you see!

'Table Top' by Ellen Benson - mixed media life study in tapestry frame

At Travellers Café

Level 2, 169 Swanston Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia


Bring along a sketch book, notify the front desk that you are here for the class and enjoy a coffee and learn to draw from what you see!

Each week our Artist-in-Community Residence ‘Ellen Benson’ will set up an installation of Organic and Synthetic objects for you to draw inspiration from.

Each week our artist, Ellen, will introduce you to a different range of materials – you are free to use any medium you like though. There is no tutoring cost involved, you have to provide your own materials – artist will have some on hand for you to try and you may have the opportunity to purchase materials from the artist. If you wish to leave a donation to Travellers Aid in exchange for our artist’s services, please contact our front desk.

Each Tues Afternoon Ellen will show you observational drawing examples from a range of artists from different movements/time periods and in different mediums.

Ellen’s teaching approach is to introduce you to exercises that encourage you to look and put - Ellen will not govern your creative choices or touch your page (unless asked)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.